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Developing South-South Cooperation

South-South Cooperation is about sharing knowledge, skills and resources between developing countries.

It also involves working towards solutions and the joint construction of strategies to overcome common challenges. The South-South Cooperation actions supported by Brazil give priority to promoting socio-economic development that respects the environment, contributing to the autonomy and resilience of cooperating countries by implementing public policies and improving technical capacities.

Principle of South-South Cooperation

Normative principles Operating principles
Respect for national sovereignty Mutual accountability and transparency
Horizontal Development effectiveness
Non-conditionality Alignment of evidence-based and outcome-focused initiatives entre les initiatives fondées sur des données probantes et les initiatives axées sur les résultats
Non-interference in national matters Involvement of several relevant players
Reciprocal benefits
Fonte : Document final de Nairobi de la conférence de haut niveau des Nations unies sur la coopération Sud-Sud, A/RES/64/222: Nairobi outcome document of the High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, A/RES/64/222

Where the Project is located

  • Brazil: IBGE, ABC, UNFPA
  • Cape Verde: INECV, UNFPA
  • Senegal: ANSD, UNFPA