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Since the 2013 General Census of Population and Housing, Agriculture and Livestock, carried out with electronic data collection thanks to the combined support of Brazil and Cape Verde, Senegal has received many requests from countries in the West African sub-region (Burkina Faso, Niger, Mauritania, among others) and Central Africa (Gabon) to draw on its experience. It has also carried out missions to some of these countries to support the technical teams in preparing their census. This exchange of experience is based on a checklist of the main provisions to be complied with for a successful census with electronic data collection.

Les résultats du recensement
12 months of mapping
Implementation of 17164 DRs
Collection agents
20,200 collection operatives
600 supervisors
1,000 controllers
300 IT assistants
Collection system
20,200 Mobile Collection System
600 Ultra-portable
The population
13.5 million people
Post-census survey
1 month after the census, launch of the post-census survey
The results
Provisional: 2 months after collection
Final: 6 months after collection

RGPH-5 2023

The implementation of RGPH-5 is part of the third National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (SNDS-III, 2019-2023). Thus, in its capacity as coordinator of the National Statistical System (SSN) and in accordance with the principles and recommendations of the United Nations, ANSD has opted to integrate the basic module of the agriculture and livestock census into RGPH-5, in order to facilitate the preparation of the sampling frame for agricultural holdings.

In addition, with a view to making quality data available to users in a timely fashion, Senegal is pursuing its drive to modernize data collection by opting for an entirely digital census.

Les résultats du recensement
Collection agents
880 Supervisors
4400 controllers
22,000 Enumerators
250 IT staff
Collection system
30,000 Tablets
1040 Ultraportables
12600 Power Bank - charger
30,000 data chips
Implementation of 21252 DR
Post-census survey
1 month after data collection, launch of post-census survey
The population
18,032,473 people