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At the end of the Technical and Steering Committee's work, the participants addressed all the issues on the agenda and achieved the following results:

  1. Work plan for 2019 drawn up and approved ;
  2. Communication Strategy revised and approved, with new contributions and new responses to the challenges identified;
  3. Draft revised and approved for sharing ;
  4. Replication schedule defined and approved.

The recommendations made at the meeting, relating to the project's communication, the method of raising awareness to be adopted and the activities to be carried out to implement the available budget, should enable the steering committee to continue its efforts to achieve the project's objectives.
The closing session was chaired by Ms Susana Cordeiro Guerra, President of IBGE. She reiterated the commitment of the institutions present to implement the work plan drawn up and validated by the participants. The next face-to-face meeting of the steering committee will be the subject of an exchange of notes between the parties. The reading of the minutes and their approval by all the parties present brought the proceedings to a close.