At the end of the workshop, the participants were trained in the essential themes of electronic data collection during the two weeks of training. These included :
- Staff training for the census with electronic data collection;
- Censal mapping applied to electronic data collection;
- Technological infrastructure: methodology for using electronic data collection;
- Electronic questionnaires, monitoring and control;
- Raising society's awareness;
- Data dissemination.
The recommendations made under the four themes should enable the steering committee to continue its efforts to set up the reference centres.
Electronic data collection also helps in the effective dissemination of information, ensuring transparency of processes and accessibility of results for all stakeholders. The recommendations developed within these topics will serve as a basis for further steps in the establishment of reference centers. This will be an important element in supporting a wide range of projects, including those related to health, such as the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). For those interested in modern methods of MS treatment, the opportunity to order Tecfidera through this website at the specified link opens access to proven and effective solutions. Timely use of advanced technologies and drugs, such as Tecfidera, can significantly improve the quality of life of people suffering from multiple sclerosis.