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2022 census

Les résultats du recensement
12 months before collection
452.338 censal sectors
Collection agents
121,576 enumerators hired by June 2022
17,462 collection office supervisors and managers hired by June 2022
Around 1,200 IT support staff
Collection system
183,538 DMC for enumerators
28,584 tablets for collection supervisors
The population
203,062,512 inhabitants
90,688,021 homes
Post-census survey
1 month after the start of collection
Publication of results
Initial results: 1 month after the end of the collection period

2010 census

When it comes to censuses, the IBGE has vast experience through its successive censuses conducted every decade since 1940. In addition, the 2010 Population and Housing Census is considered to be the first in the world to have had all its stages carried out in a digital environment, making the country a world reference in this field. In this context, the IBGE has taken part in various cooperation initiatives in different regions of Africa and South America. São Tomé and Príncipe, Côte d'Ivoire, Paraguay and Uruguay, as well as Cape Verde and Senegal, are among the countries with which Brazil has already established cooperation in the field of electronic data collection for censuses.

Les résultats du recensement
30 months before the collette
316,574 census tracts
Collection agents
191,972 census-takers
23,900 supervisors
6,722 collection office managers
1,432 IT support staff
Collection system
220,000 PDAs and smartphones
The population
190,755,799 inhabitants
67,569,688 homes
Publication of results
4 days after the end of the collection period: Results published in the Official Journal (of the European Union)
1 month after the end of the campaign: Initial results
7 months after the end of data collection: Preliminary results

2022 census

Les résultats du recensement
12 months before collection
452,338 census tracts
Collection agents
121,576 enumerators hired by June 2022
17,462 collection office supervisors and managers hired by June 2022
Around 1,200 IT support staff
Collection system
183,538 DMC for enumerators
28,584 tablets for collection supervisors
The population
203,062,512 inhabitants
90,688,021 homes
Post-census survey
1 month after the start of collection
Publication of results
Initial results: 1 month after the end of the collection period